Slick Rick’s Story

On January 18, 2024, a cat was posted on a local social media page but a concerned community member. Someone described him as a lost cat who was incredibly social and friendly. But she had also noticed that he was severely underweight and covered head to toe in an oil substance. Our partners at Feral Cat Coalition asked for the cat to be brought to their clinic right away.

After an exam by the doctor, everyone was left stumped as to why he was covered in oil. All they could think was that this boy was so hungry looking for food, that he somehow ended up covered in what was assumed to be cooking oil. 

Feral Cat Coalition knew this boy who they called “Slick Rick” deserved to get off the streets and into a loving home. They contacted Smittens Rescue with their fingers crossed and we said yes! FCC and Smittens worked together providing the loving care Slick Rick needed which including numerous dish soap baths!

The whole FCC crew was head over heels in love and were so happy when the day came for Slick Rick to graduate to the Smittens Adoption Center. It was a short stay for Slick Rick as he was adopted to a new family to love him. 


Ethel’s Story