Adoption Application Date MM DD YYYY Name(s)/ID #'s of cat(s) you are interested in or description of type of cat you are seeking Your Name * First Name Last Name Your Occupation Partner's Name First Name Last Name Partner's Occupation Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone * (###) ### #### Email Type of Residence * House/Condo/Townhome Apartment Mobile Home Complex name (if applicable) When did you move in? * MM DD YYYY Are you the property owner? * Yes No If Not Include Owner/Property Managers Name First Name Last Name Phone Property Owner/Property Manager (###) ### #### Where will the cat(s) be kept? * Indoor Only Mainly Indoor, Limited Outdoor Both Indoor and Outdoor Outdoor Only On an average workday, how many hours will the cat(s) be left alone? * List the ages of ALL children in your home * Is anyone in your household allergic to animals? * Yes No Unknown How many other pets do you have? * Number of Cats * Number of dogs * Number of other other animals Are all cats and dogs Vaccinated? * Yes No Are all animals(Cats, Dogs, Rabbits) Neutered? * Yes No List the breed, gender, and age of each animal in your home Name of your Veterinarian First Name Last Name Veterinarian phone number (###) ### #### Have you ever owned a cat or dog? * Yes No If yes, how old were you? If yes, what happened to each pet? If deceased, please provide date and cause of death Many Cats will claw furniture, carpet, or drapes, dig into potted plants, eat potted plants, etc... How do you plan to manage these potential problems? * How much do you estimate the annual cost of routine vet care? * How often do you leave town and how will you care for them while you are away? * What do you plan to do with the cat(s) if you move away? (locally, out of state, or country) * Under what circumstances would you give up the cat(s)? * Are you ready, willing, and able to take personal and financial responsibility for the cat(s) throughout its/their expected 15-20 year lifespan? * Yes No Maybe How did you learn about this/these cat(s) and our organization? * Internet Search Advertising Referral Prior Adopter Veterinarian Another Shelter/Rescue Other Additional Comments By Checking the below boxes and typing my name: * I certify that the above information is true I understand that any false information may result in denial or nullification of this adoption Name * First Name Last Name Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!